Sentinel, 2018-19, porcelain, 16.5” x 11” x 9.75”, (detail)

Sentinel, 2018-19, porcelain, 16.5” x 11” x 9.75”, installation view Quest Gallery, Midland, Ontario .

Sentinel, 2018-19, porcelain, 16.5” x 11” x 9.75” (detail of embossed sheet music, the music "El cant dels ocells" 'The Song of the Birds')

Sentinel, 2018-19, porcelain, 16.5” x 11” x 9.75” (detail of embossed sheet music, the music "El cant dels ocells" 'The Song of the Birds')

This work was inspired by Aesop’s fable, Owl and the Birds and the genre paintings popularized by Flemish artists (such as Frans Snyders) in the 17th century known as Concert of the Birds. This work is a reimagining of the tale in which the Owl warns the birds of the potential harms that humans could bring to them. The lone Barn Owl (hand built from porcelain) sits upon a large open book of sheet music, the music "El cant dels ocells" 'The Song of the Birds') is embossed and also made from porcelain.


The Landscape of Poetry


Shadows Hold Their Breath